Getting great college campus events sometimes requires a bit of magic! We have a wide selection of professional magicians, illusionists and mentalists that can come and perform a variety of magic shows for your groups.

Entertaining your student body can take many forms. One of the more popular choices for entertaining college campuses can be some brand of a magic show. Having the mystery of a night of magic can engage the audience and provide a bit of a challenge to the audience as they try to figure out how the tricks work.



The Stage Magic Show

This is what many people think of as a magic show, though often more an illusionists show. This includes a variety of large props utilized fo tricks that are performed on stage in front of the audience. The magician, often with his beautiful assistant and possibly some audience volunteers, wows the audience with a selection of tricks and illusions. It is a great way to entertain students on a grand scale!

Close-up Magic

This is one of the more popular versions of magic. this is where a magician often wades into the crowd and performs a variety of quick disappearances and object tricks. This can include card tricks, coin tricks and an almost infinite number of variations. The magician moves from group to group and works several tricks into the mix to keep people entertained. This is often something done prior to a stage show.

game shows


There are various types of psychics that can be provided for a party. This can include Diviners, Palmists, Tarot Readers, and Mediums. This is separate from Mentalism due to the nature of the performance. Often the shows can be combined and the lines blurred. Though sometimes performed as a stage show, as many Mentalism shows are, Psychics tend to perform around the room at tables or during cocktails with more intimate groups.

Comedy Magic

While most magicians will utilize some comedic elements, there are others that are more of a comedy show with magical elements. These shows keep people laughing and are well choreographed. There are a variety of approaches to this art form including the seemingly inept magician that is actually extremely adept or one that blurs the lines by engaging in juggling or other art forms at the same time.



Improv is Magic

This is a comedy show using your audience members as the performers. Magically, they become funny. This show uses an improv director and teacher who can extract humor from your people on stage. While it isn't really magic, the audience often thinks that it was.


A popular version of a magic show involves bringing several people on stage to become hypnotized. They perform various acts that they normally wouldn't and their friends and family howl with laughter.


This form of magic involves a performer engaging audience members and divining information seemingly from nowhere. There are a variety of approaches to this and each performer is unique in their approach.

non-traditional magic

These shows can take on several forms, or they can be done in combination with one another. From the technical side, there are all kinds of requirements for these professionals. On a base level, a stand or headset microphone is common. The idea is to make certain that people can hear the show. Of course if you have a more intimate group, sometimes it's better to have no technical assistance to have a more natural and intimate show. Close Up Magic might not need it as much. Stage Magic Shows probably require much more. Most also have music that they would like to be played and often will have their own tech person. There should be accommodations made for these technical requirements which will be discussed as we come to agreement as to the event.

Similarly, you may wish to have staging and lights. Having a raised stage allows people further away from the stage to see more clearly and for voices to project. The lights allow for the lights to be dropped for the audience. An audience in the dark allows for people to laugh without the worry that other people were looking at them, which can hinder enjoyment. They also probably have many light cues and will need the ability to control all the light in the room. After all, how can you make things disappear if you can't even turn out the lights?

Happy students make a more successful institution! We come in and provide you with great entertainment that challenges them. Our shows make them think and teach them the intellectual process while they're just having fun! We have worked with some of the top universities in the country. There's a reason that they are at the top!


For fraternities, sororities and other university organizations, we can custom-tailor to fit most any situation. From team building workshops, scavenger hunts, mix-and-mingle functions or just about anything. Everything we's all Greek to us!

A magic show is a great way to entertain your student body with awe and laughter. Contact us to discuss the approach that we will take and potential styles, themes, and lengths of shows. We can adjust to holidays and special events. Of course, you should let us know your budget so that we don't use options that will be beyond the resources available.

For the activities board for your university, we can make the process very easy. We can discuss your needs and bring entertainment to any kind of event you would like to have.

covid-19 coronavirus social distancing

WE LOOK OUT FOR YOU We have a variety of techniques that we can use to promote social distancing and safety during our shows. We can discuss these items with you and develop a strategy to work at your location in a relatively safe environment.


We want to hear from you. Call us at 866.219.4386 or email

Learning More is as Simple as 1 - 2 - 3

Follow these simple steps


Call 866-219-4386 or email us at

Include the size of your space, how many people you think might attend, potential dates you have an interest in, and any special concerns or requests.


Review the options and clarify any details

Our staff works hard to make certain that all details are ironed out and that you understand the process prior to any agreement.


Verify final details for a proposal

We will explain themes, timing, sound, lighting and stage equipment needed (which are not usually included in our proposal), payment methods and timing, etc. This will allow us to prepare a 3 page proposal for your event. Page 1 is a cover letter. Page 2 is the actual contract. Page 3 is a credit card form just in case you choose to pay by that method, though often checks are the more popular option. We also accept PayPal, Venmo, QuickPay, and many other methods. We adjust to your university's AP policies.




Call us at 866.219.4386 or email